
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Russian Filmmaker's COMMANDO Remake

One of these things is, well, EXACTLY like the other.

Apparently a Russian filmmaker has made a remake of Commando, almost shot-for-shot, as an homage to the original film.

Amusing that this was done when, apparently, someone else is looking to remake this action classic. But here's a bit more chatter about the Russian remake, also known as "D-Day" for some reason.

Whatever - I'll watch it when I can get my hands on it. I loved the original, and Russian filmmakers are a buncha nutjobs, so this can only end well...


  1. I too was about to get a copy last year from my obscure film contact, EuroTrash Cinema, but after hunting around a bit I found that this Russian remake, while a remake of "Commando," lacks any of the charm. Also the action scenes aren't as over the top as the original, and from what I understand are basically bloodless. The title is also "Den." Here in fact is one of the reviews that kept me from seeking it out:

  2. Jack, I forgot -- if you want to see an over-the-top and insane action movie, two words: The Stabilizer. (That is, if you haven't already seen it.) It's an Indonesian action movie from 1984 with goofy dubbed English audio and OTT action. It's on DVD in the US. Here's the trailer:

  3. Joe - I'll definitely have to track The Stabilizer down. Pity the Russkies can't re-make Commando with what it deserves, and this "kindler, gentler" Commando remake people are planning...if it doesn't have a brawl in a hotel room that results in surprise female nudity, no dice.

  4. It's not too hard to find the Russian 90's gangster movies BRAT (Brother) and BRAT 2 (Brother 2) if you want to see a Russian knock-off of Tarantino style gangster stuff.

    ("Are you gangsters?" asks an American woman when the Russian man she met returns to the apartment with two wounded friends, a bag of money, and a bunch of guns. "We're not gangsters," he replies. "We're Russians." This was a popular local catchphrase where I lived in 2003)

    Some of the other gangster and action movies from that era like ANTI-KILLER and BYMER are good if you can find them. Check out DAY WATCH and NIGHT WATCH if you like vampire movies.
