
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hatchet Force Journal #1 On Deck For Next Week

After what has been a relatively short but incredibly encouraging journey, Hatchet Force Journal #1 is almost ready to land on Amazon's Kindle bookstore.  All the material is in hand, layout is mostly complete, and I hope to have the final editing finished by this weekend.  My hope is that the Journal will go on sale Monday morning.

As a little bit of a sneak peek, here is the cover for Issue #1:

Do I sound like a jerk if I say I'm really excited that this is coming together?


  1. don't sound like a jerk. Kudos to you on your new venture.. I hope it goes well.

    If it were me, I'd be doing cartwheels (which I can still do, thankyouverymuch)

  2. Thanks for letting me me be part of this, Jack. My piece on pulps may be old hat to most readers, but I think the evolution of action novels from the pulps to modern day has been an interesting growth. Congratulations on the 1st issue of Hatchet Force Journal, and I look forward to a long run of great material. Love the cover, BTW!

  3. Thanks for the kind words everyone!

    Bish & Tom, glad you like the cover. I dug around for some vintage Soldier of Fortune covers and tried to find some inspiration for the kind of look and feel I wanted. I think I struck the right balance.

  4. This does look great. I look forward to a fine read.

  5. I can't friggin' wait. I'm stoked and feel very fortunate to be a contributor to the first issue.

    Like I said before, I think the cover does a great job capturing the feel you were shooting for.
