
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Crawling out from underneath the Work Rock

So a couple of you might have noticed that, well...I disappeared.

I won't get into the gory details, but long story short, my tiny department of 3 dropped to a department of 2 (and, let's be honest, it's really more a department of 1.25...).  My workload and responsibilities increased a lot this fall, and coupled with a few other hiccups here and there, my time for writing, blogging, or really anything else that was fun went away.

But now, I think it is safe to say that if I'm not entirely back to my usual level of writing and posting, I'm making a concerted effort to get there.  I have a lot of editing work to do on my larger writing projects, and I've got a couple of short story ideas in the pipe.

I've also got a lot of book reviews I'd love to get out there, so hopefully this week i can put a few of those out for reading, and get the ol' Blogger grindstone milling away once again.

Gotta say, it feels good to be back.


  1. Glad to have you back! When will we see the next issue of Hatchet Force Journal?

  2. Glad to have you back, don't let the man hold you down!

  3. Thanks guys. Things are working out better here and I hope to make a big push later this month when I have time around the holidays.

    As for HFJ #2, I hope to have an announcement up early next week for submissions. Considering next year is 2012, I think a post-apocalyptic theme for the second issue seems really appropriate...

  4. Welcome back, Jack.

    (Now do it again...)

  5. Great Blog. Well do I understand the need to make $$$.
    BTW, I just added your Blog to my recommendations list.

  6. glad to see you are back!!

    all the Guys at Task Force 22
