
Friday, June 29, 2012

RIVALRY Still Earning Great Reviews!

My short ghost story "Rivalry" has been up on Amazon for about ten months now. Despite being a 6,000 word short story, it still sells a few copies every month. Now and then I talk to other short story authors and we agree to read each other's works and do critiques and reviews, but it has been a while since I had someone write a review completely out of the blue.

So yesterday, I found this posted:

I loved this story. It's short but it's absolutely fantastic. Jack Badelaire is a great writer and I look forward to reading more of his work. For a short story it built tension and had scares in all of the right places. Only bad thing; it ended too soon. I highly recommend Rivalry A Ghost Story, it is well worth .99 cents.
It might be a short blurb, but it really made my day. While I'm pushing my new novel and preparing other works for publishing this summer, it's good to know that even a short story can still engage readers and provide some entertainment.

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