
Tuesday, September 4, 2012


As of right now, I've had 530 downloads of Killer Instincts from the Amazon Kindle Store. The book is ranked #2 in Free Men's Adventure and #455 Free in Kindle Store overall, which I think is a pretty good accomplishment for a relatively unknown author.

I've decided to extend the free promotion a second day, and see where it takes me. I'm hoping downloads will continue to stay strong (at one point midday yesterday we were getting upwards of 40 downloads an hour), but even if they slow down, I anticipate another couple hundred before midnight.

Originally, I had thought to take Killer Instincts out of the KDP Select program. I wanted to be able to sell the book on Smashwords and through other ebook vendors, but right now, I'm having second thoughts. The ability to do promotions like this one, even if it is just five days a year, shows that I can put hundreds of copies of my books in the hands of readers. I've re-enrolled in KDP for the next 90 days. I think when my next COMMANDO title comes out - hopefully around Christmas time - I'll launch another promotion day.

You might argue that these free promotion days mean I lose the ability to sell the book to those readers, but frankly, sales of KI were mostly dried up in August, and I would rather have people reading the book - even if it was for free - than the book remaining unknown. As those downloaders become readers, some may become reviewers (hopefully positive reviewers...), and some may also go out and buy my other works, loan the book to others, become readers of this blog, and so on. I didn't really know what to expect when I started the promotion, but I certainly wasn't expecting more than five hundred downloads in 24 hours. That ego boost alone was worth the promotion day.

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