
Thursday, September 19, 2013

The COMMANDO: Operation Cannibal Cover is Here!

Although it'll probably be a week or two before I finish the draft of Operation Cannibal, my cover artist Ander Plana has finished the book cover, and I wanted to share it with everyone.

The road to finishing this book has grown longer than I'd anticipated. For one reason or another I've not had the time or motivation necessary to get it completed, but I know I need to get cracking. I've always found that having a finished cover for a project gives me impetus to finish the project itself, so every time I'm in a slump and not feeling like hitting the keyboard, I'm going to pull up the cover on my screen, put a smile on my face, and get typing.

I already have a couple of Beta readers lined up, but if anyone else is interested, shoot me an email and let me know.


  1. Love it. The shorts tall socks combo amuse me, though I'm sure it's perfectly accurate. :)
